Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Collateral Damage

ADRs, ME/CFS, GWVs, Infections, MCS, metabollic syndromes and other "Syndromes"

It is no coincidence that many suffering ADRs are labeled as suffering from ME/CFS.

The mechanism leading to long term illness, stemming from ADRs, vaccines and the aforementioned, triggers glycation, inflammation, oxidative stress, producing too much Nitric Oxide and other free radicals, leading to degeneration over a long period of time, spanning between ten to twenty years.

Dis-Ease state manifests over a period of time, affecting the individual with a myriad of symptoms. Symptoms vary, but the mechanism is the same - TOXICITY. The mechanism begins with oxidization of endothelial cells leading to apoptosis (programmed cell death).

The general consensus amongst progressive medical doctors and scientists is that TOXICITY or nutritional imbalances are main causes of degenerative diseases.

It has already been established that medication causes damage to the mitochondria, leading to progressive degeneration manifesting as diabetes, and other auto-immune illnesses, metabolic syndromes, (http://aac.asm.org/cgi/reprint/AAC.00729-05v1.pdf and http://www.ceri.com/mito.htm) such as depleting L-Carnitine http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez and http://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/carnitine.asp, antibiotics weakening the immune system, activating viruses such as EBV and HHV-6. L-Carnitine deficiency is very difficult to diagnose, can lead to dangerous arrythmia and heart failure!

Furthermore, the principle that drugs only benefit a small percentage of the population as in this article: http://jcp.sagepub.com/cgi/content/abstr....ourcetype=HWCIT
and hundreds more published articles, taking medicines is not only redundant, but will cause more harm.

Antibioitics can activate EBV & HHV6: http://tinyurl.com/yetmly3 and C.Difficile: http://tinyurl.com/ykqauw4

Likewise, antimicrobials are no longer effective, mutating pathogens, whilst weakening the immune system whilst causing even more damage to the digestive tract, which is 80% responsible for a healthy immune system!

Reading about oxidative stress, Nitric Oxide Cycle, Free Radicals, Inflammation over a period of two years, leads to the conclusion that preventing escalation of symptoms from ADRs is crucial to maintain good health.

Lastly, it is irrelevant if ME/CFS was triggered by an infection, which could have been triggered by the effects of antibiotics, or toxicity form vaccines, or medications. It will lead to oxidization and inflammation.

See articles below:

Treatment of myalgic encephalomyelitis/ chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), a multisystem disease, should target the pathophysiological aberrations (inflammatory and oxidative and nitrosative stress pathways), not the psychosocial "barriers" for a new equilibrium.

Maes M, Twisk FN.
Patient Educ Couns. 2010 Mar 17. [Epub ahead of print]
Maes Clinics, Belgium.

In a recent article published by B. van Houdenhove and P. Luyten it is claimed that cognitive behavioral therapy and graded exercise therapy (CBT/GET) are evidence based and are the most adequate treatments to control symptoms and improve quality of life of patients with myalgic encephalomyelitis/ chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS). However, these authors do not disclose that their own treatments at the Belgian CFS Reference Centers with CBT/GET have proven to have no clinical effects. The Belgian minister declared in the parliament that CBT/GET at those centers are no curative therapies. Even more, measured by objective standards the CBT/GET approach has shown to be counterproductive. van Houdenhove and Luyten neglect or deny all scientific findings on the pathophysiology and possible medical treatments of ME/CFS. However, there is now a consensus that inflammatory and oxidative and nitrosative (IO&NS) pathways underpin the pathophysiology of ME/CFS in humans and in animal models as well. Human and animal data show that treatments which target IO&NS pathways are useful in treating ME/CFS. van Houdenhove and Luyten also propose that the time has come to shift treatment research in CFS from efficacy studies to effectiveness studies in 'real life'. In our opinion, future research should use a high throughput screening, made possible by the translational approach, in order to further examine the IO&NS pathways in detail; further delineate novel drug-targets in the IO&NS pathways and develop new drugs to treat this complex and serious medical disorder.

Medication-induced mitochondrial damage and disease.
Neustadt J, Pieczenik SR.
Montana Integrative Medicine, Bozeman, MT 59718, USA. drneustadt@gmail.com

Since the first mitochondrial dysfunction was described in the 1960s, the medicine has advanced in its understanding the role mitochondria play in health and disease. Damage to mitochondria is now understood to play a role in the pathogenesis of a wide range of seemingly unrelated disorders such as schizophrenia, bipolar disease, dementia, Alzheimer's disease, epilepsy, migraine headaches, strokes, neuropathic pain, Parkinson's disease, ataxia, transient ischemic attack, cardiomyopathy, coronary artery disease, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, retinitis pigmentosa, diabetes, hepatitis C, and primary biliary cirrhosis.

Medications have now emerged as a major cause of mitochondrial damage, which may explain many adverse effects. All classes of psychotropic drugs have been documented to damage mitochondria, as have stain medications, analgesics such as acetaminophen, and many others.

While targeted nutrient therapies using antioxidants or their precursors (e. g., N-acetylcysteine) hold promise for improving mitochondrial function, there are large gaps in our knowledge. The most rational approach is to understand the mechanisms underlying mitochondrial damage for specific medications and attempt to counteract their deleterious effects with nutritional therapies.

This article reviews our basic understanding of how mitochondria function and how medications damage mitochondria to create their occasionally fatal adverse effects.

In conclusion, staying from medication and finding the key to restoring health post ADRs is crucial. Doctors who risk their careers to expose this genocide should be taken seriously!!

Toxic Injury

According to toxicologists, varied and multiple toxicity symptoms will manifest from identical mechanism that is oxidization of endothelial cells.

Worth noting, the medical establishment is very quick at making judgments concerning toxicology of herbal remedies, but reluctant, even defiant about known adverse drug reactions (ADRS) and side effects ...

To recapitulate concerning the toxicology of Lariam/Mefloquine or other meds:

In general, pharmacologist accept that approximately, only 10% of meds are effective. Genetic variations, polymorphisms, biochemistry, ethnicity, weight, age, gender, body temperature, weather, etc ... all contribute to pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics. To date, it has not been possible to manufacture meds tailored for individuals precisely, because, there are so much that we don't know happening at cellular level.

The question here is why some don't react, rather, than, why we reacted? After all, Lariam/Mefloquine is toxic, as are fluoroquinolones and most meds.

The general consensus is that drug metabolism is unpredictable. http://tinyurl.com/yc6empe


Nuclear Receptors and the Regulation of Drug-Metabolizing Enzymes and Drug Transporters: Implications for Interindividual Variability in Response to Drugs

Bradley L. Urquhart, PhD, Rommel G. Tirona, PhD and Richard B. Kim, MD

From the Division of Clinical Pharmacology, Department of Medicine (Dr Urquhart, Dr Tirona, Dr Kim), and the Department of Physiology & Pharmacology (Dr Tirona), University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada.

Division of Clinical Pharmacology, London Health Sciences Centre-University Hospital, Room ALL-152, 339 Windermere Road, London, Ontario N6A 5A5, Canada.

Erratic or unpredictable response to drugs remains a challenge of modern drug therapy. An important determinant of such interindividual differences in drug response is variability in the expression of drug-metabolizing enzymes and/or transporters at sites of absorption and/or tissue distribution. Variable drug-metabolizing enzyme and transporter expression can result in unpredictable exposure and tissue distribution of drugs and may manifest as adverse effects or therapeutic failure. In the past decade, important new insights have been made relating to the regulatory mechanisms governing the expression of drug-metabolizing enzymes and transporters by ligand-activated nuclear receptors. Specifically, there is compelling evidence to demonstrate that PXR, CAR, FXR, LXR, VDR, HNF4alpha, and AhR form a battery of nuclear receptors that regulate the expression of many important drug-metabolizing enzyme and transporters. In this review, the authors focus on clinically important drug-metabolizing enzymes such as CYP3A4, CYP2B6, CYP2C9, CYP2C19, UGT1A1, SULT2A1, and glutathione S-transferases and their regulation by nuclear receptors. They also review the nuclear receptor-mediated regulation of drug transporters such as MDR1, MRP2, MRP4, BSEP, BCRP, NTCP, OATP1B3, and OATP1A2. Finally, they outline how the drug development process has been affected by the current understanding of the involvement of nuclear receptors in the regulation of drug disposition genes.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Watch and learn, btw, good musik, by ES Prometheus - Enjoy

Since the Vids kept altering in the Video Bar,
those important vids concerning meds are now
embeded here instead:

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Glutathione - brief review

Reading assiduously about raising glutathione leads me to conclude that the safest option is by taking its precursors such as Black Seed Oil, which apparently, can raise Glutathione by 800% , or Rosemary Edible OIl by 400% together with Vitamins C, E, Selenium, Zinc, and riboflavins.

Black seed oil has properties which are also anti-mutagenic, immune enhancer, anti fungal, and is even being studied for reversing cancer, chemopreventive and more.

It scavenges Nitric Oxide, decreases cholesterol, and blood lipid peroxide, has anti-inflammatory properties on vascular cells, induces leukemia cell apoptosis, and chemo preventive amongst other benefits.

See 3272 studies on PubMed: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez

and here: http://www.lef.org/prod_hp/abstracts/php-ab469.html

Rosemary Edible Oil is not to be taken long term. It is very potent and a powrerful antioxidant being fat soluble, it helps detoxify the brain, helping the central nervous system. It also holds anti-cancerous compounds. It is excellent for cognition, helps boosting memory, cognition, oxygenate blood flow to the brain.

In addition, it has antiviral properties, helps restore liver function from toxic chemicals.

Studies show it stimulates bile function leading to the liver getting rid of chemical toxins. Note that bile plays an important role in nutrition.

Rosemary is also effective for digestive issues, is an immune modulator, and known to help with brain circulation.

It is also effective as an analgesic and arthritis.

Moreover, it is anti-mutagenic, and will help fight toxic chemicals restoring gene function!! It can be used against radiation as when exposed to scans, ionic x-rays etc..

See 874 studies on PubMed: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez

Milk thistle if tolerated can stimulate the liver to rasie glutathione, but should not be taken for longer than two weeks, then stop the Milk thistle, and start again. It not a viable option, and may even cause toxicity in the long term.
Mmm, rambling thoughts, some waffling, venting ;D and ruffling feathers .. about the obscenity that is Big Pharma!!! Its absurd and grotestque.

Medications do not save lives and do not cure. It is a belief system based on flagrant lies and skewed research, in most instances.

Studies show that during World I & World War II wounded soldiers, lived longer, without all the modern high tech modalities than do soldiers hospitalized during the last thirty years. Emergency surgery can save life, but then side effects from anesthetics, analgesics, antibiotics, may cause illness later on.

In addition, studies show that 6 out of 10 deaths in hospitals are attributed to medications. (posted on the forum from medical journal).

All meds and vaccines affect the mitochondria leading to more disease state, eventually.

Those who keep taking Fqs and say they are fine, they will develop some type of illness and will not even make the correlation.

This process differs from ADRs or suffering from side effects. The end result is that it can kill, maim, cause slow disease process spanning over many years, leading to a poor quality of life.

A healthy diet, stress reduction, exercise, good nutrition, regular gentle detoxing, avoidance of environmental pollution, keeping away from dentists and doctors, keeping well INFORMED, will keep disease at bay. Vigilance and health conscious. Early signs of disease process can be treated and in most cases reversed.

When we do hear of people who have reversed their late stage cancers, condemned by oncologists, or those who were cured of "cystic fibrosis" or Parkinson, or regained their sights, why do most people choose to either ignore this or simply choose not to believe? Why the skepticism?

Why the lack of respect for those very doctors who are speaking out against Allopathic Medicine, loosing their jobs, reputation, and career in the process? Instead, they are stripped of their medical license to practice and rejected both by their peers and the very people they seek to protect!!

Why not take heed? Why are they almost ridiculed? Why would more MDs speak out if they are not being supported by us?

Ghost writers, falsified drug trials results, publishers colluding by conjuring out of thin air medical journals (Elsvier), excluding those suffering ADRs in Phase I during drug trial, paying large sum of money to psychiatrist to endorse dangerous ineffective psychotropics, and to scientists and doctors in regards to poorly designed stents, DSM-IV growing lists of "mental" disorders (shyness now called social anxiety etc..), WHO Executive Board Members are totally corrupt - affiliated with PharmaCorps, unrestrained, altered the definition of "pandemic" in order to sell dangerous untested vaccines, based on poor science, for PROFIT. Widespread corruption involving agronomy, politicians, The list is long ...

Why does the mass choose to believe the Establishment?

Whenever I am at a Hospital talking to patients, they proudly hold on to their box full of pills, whilst relaying information about their failing healths, side effects and long list of diseases caused by their meds. Some of them suffered ADRs but continue to ignore obvoius connection.. Instead, they rush around seeing more doctors, given new labels, and more pills,

These patients end up in a cesspool of symptoms, feeling even more ill. Dying of a slow painful death over a period of ten to twenty years, with poor quality of life, munching away those very pills that are killing them slowly.

Why do they bury their heads in the sand, hoping for a cure, :'( whilst health degenerating further.

I met a man with diabetes Type II. He was talking about insulin, and I was talking about throwing it away, altering his diet, taking vits and supps. Thanks to his "life saving insulin" he had a heart attack, followed by valve dysfuntion, ulcers on his legs, chronic vertigo, and multitude incapacitating symptoms. Is his diabetes controlled or cured? NO, instead, he is now taking more pills, deteriorating. I doubt he will live beyond the age of 45.

Studies have shown that those who take anti arrythmic are more likely die of sudden cardiac death, than those who don't.

Recently, published - Aspirin is NOT effective as a blood thinner and is no longer recommended. Ha, but, BUT, it will be useful for something else. New research shows that taking Aspirin reduces the chances of developing breast cancer, [image] the list goes on.

Allopathic medicine is not an option. There are other therapeutic modalities, less toxic, less invasive worth exploring. So called "Alternative Medicine" should be regulated, open to scrutiny, and validation.

Having spent the last two years or so reading up medical journals, it is apparent, that ALL meds cause damage to the mitochondria, regardless, of side effects of those unfortunate suffering ADRs. (see Mitochondria dysunction caused by meds published articles and FDA threads).

All meds will cause damage leading to diabetes, auto immune illnesses, malfunction of the immune systems, metabolic syndromes (for which there are no labels yet), cardiac dysfunction, organ failure, neurological and degenerative illnesses and more.

Unlike those who suffer from ADRs, disease state will take a few years to develop. The connection is rarely made.

A new paradigm is emerging in allopathic medicine, that is cellular medicine, and Epigenetics of vitamins, supplements and various compounds from fruits, vegetables, herbs etc... Phytochemistry is more or less the same.

Is it new? NO, it is 4000 years old and been practiced by Ayurvedic doctors and Chinese doctors successfully, if the disease is caught early, the patient is willing to make life style changes, including breathing exercises.

No longer angry, replaced by sadness. I see the children of my friends born, beautiful, healthy. A few years later, post vaccines, struggling with asthma, allergies, moody, over active, infections and autoimmune illnesses etc ..

Enough waffling for now!!

I stumbled upon this article (below) today, and thought, it might be of interest.

"Jail Time for Executives Might Stop Drug Crimes" -


"When Drug Makers' Profits Outweigh Penalties" appearing in today's Washington Post is an updated version of David Evans' riveting, prize winning investigative report, Big Pharma's Crime Spree, published in Bloomberg News, December 2009. Some of the tables from the expanded Bloomberg Magazine version can be accessed here, Big Pharma's Crime Spree. One thing remains unchanged:

"Across the United States, pharmaceutical companies have pleaded guilty to criminal charges or paid penalties in civil cases when the Justice Department finds that they deceptively marketed drugs for unapproved uses, putting millions of people at risk of chest infections, heart attacks, suicidal impulses or death."

The biggest fine ever imposed in U.S. history, $2.3 billion against recidivist Pfizer, represented a mere 14% of the revenue stream from selling the drugs at issue over seven years.

"So immune to criminal sanctions was that the company launched its off-label Bextra campaign at the same time the company was pleading guilty to doing precisely the same thing with other drugs. The anti-inflammatory medication was later yanked from the market because of increased risk of heart attacks and stroke."

Rather than being tried for their crimes rogue corporate giants in the pharmaceutical industry is being subsidized and the financial industr (giants deemed "too big to fail")-is being bailed out by US taxpayers.

A follow-up on Evans' report, Bloomberg News columnist, Ann Woolner took the bull by the horns in her column, "Jail Time for Executives Might Stop Drug Crimes" published by BusinessWeek (below) noting that: "Pharmaceutical and medical device companies repeatedly signal they just don't seem to care what the law says if they can find a way around it."

For example, "internal documents show Johnson & Johnson planning a push for $302 million in geriatric sales for a drug after the FDA had said that for the elderly, the medication wasn't as helpful and carried more risks than the company had claimed.The company denies wrongdoing."

"Throwing a few company executives in jail might do the trick."

The problem is the difficulty in proving intent. However, the Food and Drug Act, allows misdemeanor convictions without proof of intent to do wrongdoing. But until now, the FDA did not prosecute pharmaceutical executives.

So, the very rogue pharmaceutical companies that have pled guilty to criminal marketing of toxic, mostly useless drugs who paid hundreds of millions-even over a billion dollars in fines-have continued to profiteer from defective hazardous products.

Unless the FDA enforces the prosecutorial provisions of the FDC; unless Congress supports health-care fraud prosecutions; and unless the Obama administration will prohibit taxpayer reimbursement for criminally marketed
drugs and medical devices, rogue companies will continue profit from harm producing, hazardous drugs that pose risks of disability and death.

List of some Fluoroquinolones Antibiotics

List of some fluoroquinolones antibiotics- for list of symptoms go to: www.fluoroquinolones.org
forum: www.favc.info

Generic & Brand Name of most common Fluoroquinolones

Brand Name: Trovan - Zithromax
Generic Name: Trovafloxacin and Azithromycin

Brand Name: Factive
Generic Name: Gemifloxacin Mesylate

Brand Name: Zagam
Generic Name: Sparfloxacin

Brand Name: Vigamox
Generic Name: Moxifloxacin

Brand Name: Vigamox
Generic Name: Moxifloxacin

Brand Name: Cinobac
Generic Name: Cinoxacin

Brand Name: Penetrex
Generic Name: Enoxacin

Brand Name: Tequin
Generic Name: Gatifloxacin (Removed from US Market - May 2006)

Brand Name: Levaquin
Generic Name: Levofloxacin

Brand Name: Floxin
Generic Name: Ofloxacin

Brand Name: Synercid
Generic Name: Quinupristin and Dalfopristin

Brand Name: Trovan - Zithromax

Brand Name: Zymar
Generic Name: Gatifloxacin Ophthalmic Solution

Brand Name: Avelox
Generic Name: Moxifloxacin HCL

Brand Name: Floxin Otic Singles

Brand Name: Ciprodex
Generic Name: Ciprofloxacin and Dexamethasone

Brand Name: Raxar
Generic Name: Grepafloxacin

Brand Name: Ocuflox
Generic Name: Ofloxacin Ophthalmic

Brand Name: Quixin
Generic Name: Levofloxacin

Brand Name: Cipro
Generic Name: Ciprofloxacin

Brand Name: Proquin XR
Generic Name: Ciprofloxacin Hcl

Brand Name: Requip XL
Generic Name: Ropinirole Extended Release Tablets

Brand Name: Zanaflex
Generic Name: Tizanidine

Brand Name: Noroxin
Generic Name: Norfloxacin

Brand Name: Maxaquin
Generic Name: Lomefloxacin Hcl

Brand Name: Ciloxan Ophthalmic Solution
Generic Name: Ciprofloxacin HCL Ophthalmic Solution

Brand Name: Cipro XR
Generic Name: Ciprofloxacin Extended-Release

Generic Name Norloaxin Brand Name: Noroxin

Generic Name Temafloxacin Brand name Omniflox