Sunday, October 11, 2009

What is Glutathione, why is it an intergral part of Recovery?

Simplified summary:

Glutathione is a major antioxidant, fighting disease process, by reducing free radicals activity. Many suffering physiological trauma such as from Vaccines, ADRs from medications, in particular CNS symptoms from neurotoxicity, ensuing disease process, either environmental or iatrogenic, resulting in oxidative stress, have very low Glutathione or dysfunctional GTSM1 Glutathione Transferase CYP Enzyme.

The mechanism involving Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) plays a very important role in cell metabolism, cell signalling, BUT, if there is accumulation of free radicals, as well as dysfunctional detoxification Pathway I and Pathway II in the liver, it may result in cell death, and ensuing disease process over the years.

Nitric Oxide, (NO) a free radical, if allowed to accumulate, also contributes to disease process over a period of time, including, worsening of symptoms from neurotoxicity.

NO plays a major role in neurotoxicity, as well as the immune system, and physiology/biochemistry.

Scientists over the years, have focused on devising protocols to help lowering cell death from a rise in NO, and ROS. The general consensus is that there is if ROS is not kept under control, cell death and mutation will lead to inflammatory process and disease state.

Raising Glutathione and taking antioxidants are crucial in assisting recovery from ADRs.

Those undergoing chemotherapy in Germany, are also administered Glutathione IV, to avoid toxicity. If unable to tolerate Glutathione IV, other protocols such as N-acetylcysteine (NAC), a precursor of GSH, Alpha-Lipoic Acid (ALA), Vitamin C, Selenium, and Zinc, are gentler options.

NAC is often administered in hospitals to those suffering from dysfunctional/failing kidneys prior to contrast dye and other radioactive compounds to avoid toxicity.

The next post will include more information on Glutathione, AntiOxidants, gentle detox protocols, and the role of prevention through managing ROS and other Free Radicals.

Some research below, concerning the above.


What is Glutathione by Dr Mark Hyman

Detoxing, gently, safely!!

Ill for 13 years post ADRs, It is only last year, that I have been able to start (with great difficulties) on a protocol for methylation, mitochondria (diagnosed with mitochondrial dysfunction), detoxing, diet and nutrition. Progress is hampered by severe allergies, MCS, and severe CYPs (enzymes in the digestive system, kidneys, liver and brain, all connected) dysfunction.

It is not possible, to swallow a whole vitamin, even at the lowest dosage, unless trying tiny crumbs from each, tablet, lasting several days/weeks, building up to tolerance level.

I am very restricted in what I can take concerning vits and supps. However, raising the glutathione by taking its precursors, and attempting to take anti-oxidants, is yielding results in some areas.

There is some improvement in some areas, whilst not in vascular, cardiac, liver function and severe weakness. Difficult to quantify, at this time.

Those I personally know who applied themselves to raising glutathione, tajung anti-oxidants, some gently, over a period of time, some more aggressively by taking NAC, ALA, selenium and Vit C, others doing Glutathione IV, have all benefited, without side effects.

Some have reacted to Glutathione IV, depending their own health status, and medications, sensitivities, and allergies.

"The Detox System: Detoxification of Biotoxins in Chronic Neurotoxic Syndromes"

By John Foster, M.D., Patricia Kane, Ph.D., Neal Speight, M.D.

Chronically ill individuals suffering from neurotoxin exposure impacts patient populations with CFIDS, Fibromyalgia, MS, Autism, Cardiovascular Disease, Depression, Rheumatoid Arthritis, IBS, Infertility, ALS, Parkinsons, Lyme, Toxic Building Syndrome, Estuary Associated Syndrome, Psychosis, Diabetes without family Hx, Optic Neuritis, Refractory Heavy Metal Toxicity, Pulmonary Hemorrhage, Stroke. Patients diagnosed with these chronic illnesses may be potentially classified as 'Neurotoxic Membrane Syndrome' (NMS) with the endothelial cell membrane as the target of degeneration.

While hypercoagulation involves a myriad of proteins, it is ultimately a membrane event, essentially disrupting the phospholipids that structure the membrane. Agglomeration (blocked cellular exposure to blood flow/nutrients and impaired cell-to-cell communication) indicates elevation of phospholipase A2 and the uncoupling of eicosanoids from the cell membrane causing inflammation. The agglomeration that eventually occurs is, in essence, a product of a weakened membrane, and ultimately a disturbed red cell fatty acid profile.

Clinical Research

We have established a biomedical protocol in our clinics, The Haverford Wellness Center in Havertown, PA and The Center for Wellness in Charlotte, NC for patients with neurotoxic illness. Our biomedical approach is an attempt to reach the systemic nature of these tenacious neurotoxic syndromes and provide clinically proven methods that eradicate neurotoxins. Our course of action is that of freeing the patient of pervasive symptoms of neurotoxic illness in a noninvasive manner that heals the membrane, and ultimately the body and brain.

The recent pioneering work of Ritchie Shoemaker, M.D., as communicated in his book Desperation Medicine and his peer reviewed papers (Shoemaker 2001), lends strong support to a connection between Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, Lyme Disease, Pfiesteria infection and that of numerous Neurotoxic Syndromes.

Biotoxins as Neurotoxins

The presentation of biotoxin exposure often parallels neurological and psychological impairment due to the interrelationship between the ENS (Enteral Nervous System) and the CNS. The biliary tree, gall bladder, and bile formation within the liver serve in the vital processes of detoxication (disposal of waste products bilirubin, heavy metals, biotoxins, xenobiotics), lipid metabolism, transport and digestion (bile acids). Abnormalities of the hepatobiliary system may involve biliary stasis whereby infectious material or biotoxins reside within the liver, biliary tree and gall bladder, as a viscous suspension in biliary sludge.

Biotoxins as bacteria, viruses, parasites, spirochetes, dinoflagelletes, and fungus may be within biliary sludge often creating neurotoxins impacting the CNS via the ENS, or the Second Brain (gut). The occurrence of biliary sludge may be due to prolonged fasting, low fat intake, high carbohydrate diets or exposure to pathogens. Restriction of dietary fat may impair biliary flow which would be contraindicated in attempting to clear toxicity as bile is paramount to cleansing the body and getting biotoxins and heavy metals excreted into the fecal matter.

Neurotoxins are minute compounds between 200-1000 KD (kilodaltons) that are comprised of oxygen, nitrogen and sulfate atoms arranged in such a way as to make the outside of the molecule fat loving and water hating. As such, once it enters the body, it tends to bind to structures that are rich in fat such as most of our cells, especially the liver, kidney, and brain. Neurotoxins are capable of dissolving in fatty tissue and moving through it, crossing cell membranes (transporting against a gradient, particularly with potassium) disrupting the electrical balance of the cell itself.

As fat soluble neurotoxins move through the cells of the body from the GI tract to sinus to lung to eye to muscle, to joint to nerve, whereby they eventually enter the liver and the bile. Once neurotoxins bind with bile they have access to the liver, the body is poisoned over and over again as the bile is re-circulated (first released into the intestine to digest fats, and then reabsorbed).

Neurotoxins cause damage by disrupting sodium and calcium channel receptors, attacking enzyme reactions involved in glucose production thereby disrupting energy metabolism in the cell, manufacturing renegade fatty acids as saturated very long chain, odd chain and branched chain fatty acids impairing membrane function, stimulating enzymes (PLA2) which uncouple essential fatty acids from the cell membrane and impairing the function of the nuclear receptor PPAR gamma which partially controls transcription (the conversion of instructions held in our DNA to RNA which then leads to translation or protein production in the cell).

Heavy Metals reside in Fatty Tissue with Biotoxins

Heavy metals are also lipid soluble and often compound the removal of biotoxins (Aschner et al 1990, 1998; Dutzak 1991). As has been observed by many clinicians, often as the patients' heavy metal toxicity is addressed they are faced with the additional complication of the presence of biotoxins. Biotoxins and heavy metal exposure co-exist within the cell membrane and fatty tissue requiring consideration for both types of toxicity in regard to patient intervention.

By stabilizing glutathione we in turn impact metallothionein markers (Nordberb and Nordberb 2000, Ebadi et al 1995, Sato et al 1995, Kerper et al 1996, Susanto et al 1998), glycoaminoglycans or GAGS (Klein 1992), methylation, sulfation, hepatic and renal function as we introduce treatment protocols for detoxication with gentle, natural modalities that unload cellular toxicity safely. GSH infusion by fast IV push has been a remarkable tool to unload the body burden of heavy metals and neurotoxins in both pediatric and adult populations, without side effects.


Saturday, October 10, 2009

Navy Soldiers die after receiving Swine Flu Shot

(MY own personal view, is that, figures being published concerning deaths
attributed to swine flu are highly questionable, according to polls, so does a high percentage of the population.

Few trust the reporting system, after all, we suffered serious life threatening ADRs from toxic medications,
and vaccines, and still - being denied the toxicity diagnosis. How can any regulatory healthy institutions be trusted??

Courtesy of Bob Chapman of The International Forecaster

Subject: Vital data about US Navy results of swine flu vaccine on ship

Data gleaned indirectly from anonymous testimony of Navy wives of the affected crew via the internet radio show A Marine Disquisition :

1. Unnamed US Navy vessel put to sea in April with 347 man crew.
2. Entire crew was vaccinated with H1N1 Swine Flu vaccine shortly after they put to sea.
3. Crew sickened so severely that other ships had to respond to render aid. 16 Medical Dr.s put aboard from an unnamed aircraft carrier and other responding vessels. Total of 50 Navy personnel sent aboard to respond to crisis.
4. Two of the crew of 347 died – including the Captain of the ship (a Lieutenant Commander) and a Chief Petty Officer.
5. 50 personnel sent aboard to help are quarantined in Navy hospital in Balboa, Spain after 10 of them caught the flu from the ship’s crew. Two of the 50 quarantined are in serious condition at last report.
6. Of the 347 man crew that were vaccinated, 333 contracted the H1N1 flu FROM THE VACCINE. Two died, as mentioned above, and 331 survived. Only 14 of the 347 vaccinated sailors did not show any ill effects from the vaccine.
7. Navy has threatened all the spouses of the ship’s crew to remain silent – claiming all this information is classified. Some are whistle-blowing and that is where this information is coming from.
8. On the unnamed aircraft carrier that provided assistance, 415 sailors contracted the swine flu and are currently quarantined onboard.

PLEASE pass this email along. The truth is that the swine flu epidemic will be created BY THE VACCINE. If we don’t take it, there will be no epidemic. From this one test it’s apparent that the vaccine as tested on that ship’s crew in April is 96% effective at infecting the recipient with swine flu. Such an infection rate is impossible to achieve by any natural means. Though it only killed 1% immediately, there is no telling what the long term effects on those injected with the vaccine will be. See the research on the long term effects of the 1976 swine flu vaccine, and the Gulf War anthrax vaccine programs for more information.

Also note that mere contact with those that have been vaccinated creates a 20% chance of you contracting the swine flu even if you have not been vaccinated.

Please pass this data along to anyone you care about!

VIDEO: Navy Soldiers are dying from swine flu shot


 Re: Swine flu cover up
« Reply #19 Today at 9:13am »
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Navy Soldiers die after receiving Swine Flu Shot

Official figures of deaths attributed to H1N1 swine flu, are highly questionable. My own personal belief, and that of many, find those figures unconvincing and propaganda.

Likewise, deaths following swine flu shots are being kept under wraps!! There is no conflict of interest here, except exposing the truth.

Courtesy of Bob Chapman of The International Forecaster

Subject: Vital data about US Navy results of swine flu vaccine on ship

Data gleaned indirectly from anonymous testimony of Navy wives of the affected crew via the internet radio show A Marine Disquisition :

1. Unnamed US Navy vessel put to sea in April with 347 man crew.
2. Entire crew was vaccinated with H1N1 Swine Flu vaccine shortly after they put to sea.
3. Crew sickened so severely that other ships had to respond to render aid. 16 Medical Dr.s put aboard from an unnamed aircraft carrier and other responding vessels. Total of 50 Navy personnel sent aboard to respond to crisis.
4. Two of the crew of 347 died – including the Captain of the ship (a Lieutenant Commander) and a Chief Petty Officer.
5. 50 personnel sent aboard to help are quarantined in Navy hospital in Balboa, Spain after 10 of them caught the flu from the ship’s crew. Two of the 50 quarantined are in serious condition at last report.
6. Of the 347 man crew that were vaccinated, 333 contracted the H1N1 flu FROM THE VACCINE. Two died, as mentioned above, and 331 survived. Only 14 of the 347 vaccinated sailors did not show any ill effects from the vaccine.
7. Navy has threatened all the spouses of the ship’s crew to remain silent – claiming all this information is classified. Some are whistle-blowing and that is where this information is coming from.
8. On the unnamed aircraft carrier that provided assistance, 415 sailors contracted the swine flu and are currently quarantined onboard.

PLEASE pass this email along. The truth is that the swine flu epidemic will be created BY THE VACCINE. If we don’t take it, there will be no epidemic. From this one test it’s apparent that the vaccine as tested on that ship’s crew in April is 96% effective at infecting the recipient with swine flu. Such an infection rate is impossible to achieve by any natural means. Though it only killed 1% immediately, there is no telling what the long term effects on those injected with the vaccine will be. See the research on the long term effects of the 1976 swine flu vaccine, and the Gulf War anthrax vaccine programs for more information.

Also note that mere contact with those that have been vaccinated creates a 20% chance of you contracting the swine flu even if you have not been vaccinated.

Please pass this data along to anyone you care about!

VIDEO: Navy Soldiers are dying from swine flu shot


Sunday, October 4, 2009

Glutathione -- Powerful anti oxidant

There will be more detailed article concerning glutathione. There are so many theories concerning this.

Ascorbate acid at 2500 mg x 2 daily will help raise glutathione.

Likewise, NAC, ALA, selenium and Vitamin C, will also raise glutathione.

But, what is it exactly?

List of some Fluoroquinolones Antibiotics

List of some fluoroquinolones antibiotics- for list of symptoms go to:

Generic & Brand Name of most common Fluoroquinolones

Brand Name: Trovan - Zithromax
Generic Name: Trovafloxacin and Azithromycin

Brand Name: Factive
Generic Name: Gemifloxacin Mesylate

Brand Name: Zagam
Generic Name: Sparfloxacin

Brand Name: Vigamox
Generic Name: Moxifloxacin

Brand Name: Vigamox
Generic Name: Moxifloxacin

Brand Name: Cinobac
Generic Name: Cinoxacin

Brand Name: Penetrex
Generic Name: Enoxacin

Brand Name: Tequin
Generic Name: Gatifloxacin (Removed from US Market - May 2006)

Brand Name: Levaquin
Generic Name: Levofloxacin

Brand Name: Floxin
Generic Name: Ofloxacin

Brand Name: Synercid
Generic Name: Quinupristin and Dalfopristin

Brand Name: Trovan - Zithromax

Brand Name: Zymar
Generic Name: Gatifloxacin Ophthalmic Solution

Brand Name: Avelox
Generic Name: Moxifloxacin HCL

Brand Name: Floxin Otic Singles

Brand Name: Ciprodex
Generic Name: Ciprofloxacin and Dexamethasone

Brand Name: Raxar
Generic Name: Grepafloxacin

Brand Name: Ocuflox
Generic Name: Ofloxacin Ophthalmic

Brand Name: Quixin
Generic Name: Levofloxacin

Brand Name: Cipro
Generic Name: Ciprofloxacin

Brand Name: Proquin XR
Generic Name: Ciprofloxacin Hcl

Brand Name: Requip XL
Generic Name: Ropinirole Extended Release Tablets

Brand Name: Zanaflex
Generic Name: Tizanidine

Brand Name: Noroxin
Generic Name: Norfloxacin

Brand Name: Maxaquin
Generic Name: Lomefloxacin Hcl

Brand Name: Ciloxan Ophthalmic Solution
Generic Name: Ciprofloxacin HCL Ophthalmic Solution

Brand Name: Cipro XR
Generic Name: Ciprofloxacin Extended-Release

Generic Name Norloaxin Brand Name: Noroxin

Generic Name Temafloxacin Brand name Omniflox